The Georgette Heyer Podcast

Georgette Heyer's Regency romances discussed book-by-amazing-book

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Ep 34 - Cotillion

Saturday Feb 11, 2023

Saturday Feb 11, 2023

Spoiler alert!
The criminally under-estimated Freddy Standen doesn’t rate his own intelligence very highly, but he certainly manages to deploy his common sense to excellent effect, plucking plans from thin air and smoothing Kitty’s path through society during their pretend engagement. But remember, he’s not kind-hearted! Oh no, heaven forbid, he’s been on the town for years! 
Kitty, however, certainly has a generous heart and ensures that Camille and Olivia, and Dolph and Hannah, can all find love and happiness. Her faith in Freddy and realisation that storybook heroes aren’t all they’re cracked up to be is a delight to witness.
And then of course, there’s that extra something special about Cotillion, and it comes in the form of Lord Legerwood. The only man who could possibly supplant Freddy in our hearts.
“‘Obliged to take you home in a hack, Kit! Nothing for it!’
‘You are welcome to take me home in a wheelbarrow!’ She assured him.
‘Wouldn’t do at all!’ said Mr Standen decidedly, ’Sort of thing that would be bound to set people’s backs up. Besides, haven’t got a wheelbarrow!’
She gave a shaken laugh. ‘Oh, Freddy, how can you be so absurd, when you are so wise?’”
Instagram: @georgetteheyerpodcast
Twitter: @heyerpodcast

Ep 33 - Sprig Muslin

Saturday Jan 14, 2023

Saturday Jan 14, 2023

Spoiler alert!
Sir Gareth Ludlow’s life is turned upside-down in the space of a few hours when his long-standing friend Lady Hester Theale turns down his very flattering proposal, and he finds himself taking charge of the beautiful and ruthless runaway Amanda.
Up against this diminutive but cunning strategist, Sir Gareth is led a merry dance around the surrounding countryside trying to keep his opponent safe while eventually coming to a better understanding of Hester’s character and his feelings for her.
And Lady Hester herself enjoys quite an adventure, rebelling against her family for the first time, lying about her identity and blossoming into a much happier and more confident woman under the care of the man she loves.
“He looked at her, a glimmer in his eyes, and a smile quivering on his lips. ‘Do you know, Hester, in all these years I have held you in esteem and regard, yet I never knew you until we were pitchforked into this fantastic imbroglio?’”
Instagram: @georgetteheyerpodcast
Twitter: @heyerpodcast

Ep 32 - The Toll-Gate

Friday Dec 09, 2022

Friday Dec 09, 2022

Spoiler alert!
Captain John Staple is one of the easiest of Heyer’s heroes to like. Maybe it’s his all-round goodness, but maybe it’s just because he’s so very large. We’re all powerless to resist apparently. Nell Stornoway certainly doesn’t manage it for long, and we don’t blame her.
There’s a whole host of fantastic characters in this story, from Sir Peter who still has a trick or two up his sleeve, and Chirk the highwayman who sticks to his own code, to Stogumber the Bow Street Runner with sharp eyes and a pragmatic approach to justice.
We get stuck into discussing the tragedy of Sir Peter’s predicament, the morality of murdering wrong ‘uns and the romance between Rose and Chirk (but you’ll have to forgive us for our inability to remember how Staple is supposed to be related to Brean, and how Nell is related to Henry - our brains failed us.)
“But the thing is I’ve got no fancy for one of these dashed suitable marriages, where you don’t really care a fig for the girl, or she for you. I don’t mean to offer marriage to any girl who don’t give me a leveller.”
Instagram: @georgetteheyerpodcast
Twitter: @heyerpodcast

Ep 31 - Lady of Quality

Monday Nov 07, 2022

Monday Nov 07, 2022

Spoiler alert!
Annis Wychwood and Oliver Carleton are two of our more mature Heyer characters. For the readers that means we can enjoy watching two honest and articulate people unpick what it takes to give up their comfortable ways of life and walk into the unknown - throwing in their lot with another person.
But where’s the risk really? Annis is beautiful and charming, and Oliver is empathetic and direct (or possibly rude), so we predict a happy future for them travelling the world and only spending time with those sensible enough for Oliver to tolerate (not Miss Farlow then).
We also make time to talk about what might lie ahead for young Lucilla and Ninian, how much sympathy we can dredge up for Maria Farlow, and how Amabel Wychwood is a wise and cunning woman, not to be underestimated.
"The melancholy truth is that however much I may respect a man's good qualities they don't inspire me with a particle of love for him! I shall either marry a man stuffed with bad qualities, or remain a spinster - which is the likeliest fate to befall me!"
Instagram: @georgetteheyerpodcast
Twitter: @heyerpodcast

Ep 30 - The Corinthian

Friday Sep 30, 2022

Friday Sep 30, 2022

Spoiler alert!
How lovely that muscular thighs are guaranteed when your hero is a Corinthian. But it’s not just his legs that make Sir Richard Wyndham such a dashing figure - no, it’s also his romantic streak, intelligence and sense of humour. Plus he even seems capable of giving a pretty good haircut while spectacularly drunk. 
And who could possibly be the foil to Sir Richard? Why Penelope Creed of course! A young woman not lacking in romantic spirit, as evidenced by her climbing out of a window using bedsheets and dressed as a boy - who yanks Sir Richard out of his ennui and takes him on a life-changing adventure.
In this episode we talk about their charming love story, the remarkable and awful Brandon family (with the exception of Cedric who we’d like to see in a spin-off) and the perils of drunk decision-making and stage coach hangovers.
“‘I don’t wish to stay rude things about your friends, Richard, but it seems to me very wrong of him - most improper!’
‘Most,’ he agreed.
‘Even dastardly!’
‘I think we might call it dastardly.’”
Instagram: @georgetteheyerpodcast
Twitter: @heyerpodcast

Ep 29 - The Spanish Bride

Saturday Aug 27, 2022

Saturday Aug 27, 2022

Spoiler alert! And trigger warning.
Early on in this episode we talk about the horrors of war, including rape and murder, so do please skip past this episode if that’s not what you need to hear about right now.
We also talk about the impact of a novel being based on real people, with details drawn from their memoirs. Take Juana for example… do we truly understand her thoughts and feelings when her character seems to be based on the writings of her husband, rather than her own words? 
And Harry? Do we really need to know so much about his boils??
And then there’s the whole thorny issue of Juana being 14 when she marries. That’s a tough one for most readers to stomach, especially when you know it actually happened, so we dig into that too.
Overall there’s lots to unpick in The Spanish Bride, but we’ve got the tragically heroic Daniel Cadoux to keep us company at least. Also, apologies in advance for the very poor pronunciation of Spanish names, places and phrases. It’s even worse than our French if you can believe that.
“Kincaid felt his heart ache for her weariness after long days in the saddle; Harry never weakened her by showing his sympathy. When he came to her with his duty done, he was her lover, but at all other times he was commanding officer, treating her much as he treated his young brother”
Instagram: @georgetteheyerpodcast
Twitter: @heyerpodcast

Ep 28 - The Nonesuch

Saturday Jul 23, 2022

Saturday Jul 23, 2022

Spoiler alert!
In this episode we wax lyrical over Sir Waldo. Handsome, charming and kind, an expert in the art of flirtation and a man who’d never abandon his Wretched Brats. No wonder Ancilla Trent falls head over heels for him, despite her best intentions.
And just as much as we hope Sir Waldo and Miss Trent will make a match of it, we’re desperately keen that Tiffany Wield doesn’t get her hooks into the lovely Julian. So it’s lucky that Tiffany can never disguise her tyrannical nature for long, and that the virtuous Patience is there to save street urchins and distract Julian.
We also ponder what Laurie’s future will hold. Will Sir Waldo manage to form a healthier relationship with him and steer him onto a better path? Of course he will! If he can drive a team of horses to the inch, Laurie won’t be a problem.
‘The names she called me! It beats me where she learned ‘em, I can tell you that ma’am!’‘What did she call you, Laurie?’ Enquired Sir Waldo, much interested.‘I wonder,’ said Miss Trent, in a voice of determined coldness, ‘if you would be so obliging, sir, as to refrain from asking quite unimportant questions? Mr Calver, what can I say but that I am deeply mortified? As Miss Wield’s governess, I must hold myself to blame, but I trust - ‘‘Learn them from you, did she, ma’am?’ said Sir Waldo irrepressibly.
Instagram: @georgetteheyerpodcast
Twitter: @heyerpodcast

Ep 27 - Powder and Patch

Friday Jun 24, 2022

Friday Jun 24, 2022

Spoiler alert!
In this episode we kick things off by discussing whether Sir Maurice and Cleone were reasonable in wanting Philip to change his ways. Is he being asked to put aside his real identity and conform? Or do they want him to broaden his horizons before slipping prematurely into old age?
And what about Cleone? A young woman who gets engaged more times in ten minutes than most of us do in a lifetime. Hey, she’s 18, and just keeps on being importuned - we’ve got sympathy for her.
But it’s the older generation who are really bringing the romance in this story, so we also talk about that old romantic Tom, and the incomparable Lady Malmerstoke. Some of her views on women are certainly problematic, but when it comes to entertainment value - she’s up there with the very best of the eccentric widows.
“Men with chins like his are not safe. I’ve had experience, and I know. He’ll win in the end, if he has a mind to do so.”
Instagram: @georgetteheyerpodcast
Twitter: @heyerpodcast

Ep 26 - The Quiet Gentleman

Friday May 27, 2022

Friday May 27, 2022

Spoiler alert!
In this episode we talk about a very dysfunctional family and deep-rooted resentments that might prove deadly. There’s intrigue, danger and mystery galore, plus delightfully prosaic heroine, Drusilla, who knows just where to place a problematic epergne.
Our hero, St Erth, faces multiple attempts on his life, and perhaps even more frighteningly, must live under the same roof as his stepmother and short-tempered half-brother Martin. At least he’s got his sensible cousin Theo on hand to offer him sage advice and keep him safe. Right?!
‘What happened to me?’ he asked.‘You met with a slight accident, but it is of no consequence. You will be better directly.’‘Oh!’ His eyelids were drooping again, but he smiled, and murmured: ‘You are always coming to my rescue!’
Instagram: @georgetteheyerpodcast
Twitter: @heyerpodcast

Ep 25 - An Infamous Army

Friday Apr 22, 2022

Friday Apr 22, 2022

Spoiler alert!
Heyer pulls off quite the feat in An Infamous Army - capturing the horrors of war through the love story of dashing Charles Audley and rebellious Barbara Childe.
While Heyer’s research into the Battle of Waterloo has long been respected, we also take a moment to appreciate how she builds an atmosphere. We’re right there with the ton in Brussels, swept up in the mad rush to cram in as much pleasure as possible. And we’re still with them as they confront a pivotal moment in history and the devastating loss of life that brings.
It feels like a ‘big’ novel, so we’re grateful to be accompanied by old friends in the form of Judith and Worth, Mary and Dominic, and (to a slightly lesser extent) Peregrine. 
So join us on the battlefield and in the ballroom in our latest episode.
“No one could foretell what the future held; but everyone knew that these weeks might be the last of happiness. Except when news crept through of movement on the frontier, war was not much talked of. Talking of it could not stop its coming; it was better to put the thought of it behind one, and to be merry while the sun still shone.”
Instagram: @georgetteheyerpodcast
Twitter: @heyerpodcast


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